New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors and their Families

Five Resolutions for the New Year

December is always a time to reflect on the past year and think about the upcoming one. January is right around the corner, and with that comes the opportunity to make your new year’s resolutions. These pledges of actions to eat healthier, exercise more, create new relationships, and quit bad habits can be fun, motivating, and energizing. It’s easy to make resolutions, but it’s much harder to stick to them and keep the energy going. It’s important to make resolutions attainable and get your friends and family involved in the process. Whether your loved ones live near or far, creating resolutions together can help everyone be more accountable and help stay connected when circumstances have made that challenging. For the seniors in your life, bonding over a shared purpose can be invaluable to your relationship; they grow older and help cultivate happy memories. 

Maintain a healthy diet

While seniors don’t require as many calories, it’s still important to eat nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meat and poultry, nuts, and seeds. Keep food laden with sugars, refined carbohydrates, with low fiber at bay, as this can help increase energy levels. 

Schedule your doctor’s visits

Start with your primary care physician and any specialty doctors that you see regularly. By starting with your primary care physician, they can help with overall health and direct you to any other specialty doctors you should start seeing. Getting these appointments on the books will be one thing to cross off your list. And as the COVID-19 vaccine becomes available, your doctor can help guide you based on your health risks and concerns. Seniors are considered an at-risk population and will be one of the first in line for the vaccine.

Learn new exercises

Exercise is an essential part of daily life. As seniors get older, there might be more trepidation when exercising due to a possible increase in injuries. Less strenuous exercise, such as walking, swimming, and yoga, are low-impact and can increase strength, balance, and flexibility. Exercising can help seniors stay more independent and self-reliant. Be sure to check with a physician before trying any new exercises.

Stimulate your Mind

Learning new things can make anyone feel excited. While there are many games like crossword puzzles and sudoku that can increase cognitive function, sometimes it’s fun to find a new hobby. Learning how to cook, knit, or garden can have its advantages, including making new friends.

Discuss the hard topics

For many families, talking about who will take care of mom/dad is never discussed. Unfortunately, the topic is often sprung on loved ones when the inevitable happens and can lead to stress and anxiety for everyone involved. Be proactive, have the conversation about who will be the caregiver, or does hiring a caregiver through an agency, such as HomeWell Care Services, make sense. Begin financial planning by making sure that wills and other documents are in place. While this is not a fun resolution, it’s one of the most important to make sure your loved one’s wishes are maintained.

2020 has been a challenging year. However, setting new year’s resolutions is a great way to put the past behind us and look forward to better days. Use this time as an opportunity to bond over common goals, deepen your relationships, and stay connected throughout the year. 

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