Celebrating Mother’s Day with an Aging Mom

Mothers are often the heart of their family by providing the daily nurturing and compassion that is required to raise happy and healthy children. We observe and honor mothers by celebrating them on Mother’s Day. Although the celebrations of today looks very different from how Mother’s Day originally started, it’s still a day dedicated to showering mom with cards, flowers, brunches, and appreciation. In 2020, many of us had to alter the ways in which we traditionally celebrated, however with vaccination efforts underway and the CDC guidance on what fully vaccinated people can do, the hope is that this year will look much different from last.

If your mom is homebound due to frailty or advanced health conditions, celebrating a holiday like Mother’s Day can seem difficult, but there are still many ways to celebrate and engage with your loved one.

The Gift of Time

The greatest gift you can give someone is your time, especially for seniors. Spending time with your loved one playing a game, having a cup of coffee, or simply sitting outside is worth more than any gift. We know that many seniors face social isolation, and the levels of loneliness has escalated over the past year.

Comfort Creatures

If you want to give a gift, think about a comfort gift like warm socks, a blanket, or a potted plant. Many homebound individuals spend a lot of time indoors and by themselves. Providing them a gift that they can use everyday will provide them a feeling of relief when they are alone and give them something to help remember you by throughout the year.

Fun Activities

Remember the things that your mother enjoys doing but might not be able to do anymore on her own. Maybe it’s watching her favorite movies, baking, or playing golf. Engage with her by offering to do this favorite activity with her on Mother’s Day. HomeWell offers a Life Enrichment and Activities Program (LEAP) that focuses on providing everyday engagement. Enrichment activities often help our clients feel like their old selves again. It can be rejuvenating to take part in hobbies or learn new things.

Bring the Festivities Home

If mobility issues are a problem for your mom, considering bringing some of the tried-and-true Mother’s Day activities to her. Spa days are extremely popular for moms. You can find tools for manicures and pedicures at any drugstore. Offer to do her nails or set her hair for her. Enjoying a leisurely brunch with mimosas and waffles is also very popular. Depending on your mom’s diet, set up your own brunch for her to enjoy. Many restaurants offer take out as an option, so you don’t have to do the cooking all on your own!

Getting Outside

Depending on your mom’s limitations, consider spending sometime outdoors. In many places of the country, the weather around Mother’s Day is beautiful. This can mean sitting on the front porch enjoying tea and cookies or going for a short walk. During the pandemic, being outdoors with friends and family was the safest way to enjoy each other’s company but being outdoors can also be healing and beneficial to our overall wellbeing.

No matter how you choose to celebrate this year, Mother’s Day is a day to pay homage to the woman who raised you while sacrificing her own needs. Take heart that your mom will find joy in feeling appreciated and loved.

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