Empower your loved one struggling with low vision to maintain their independence and experience a fuller, happier life at home.

HomeWell offers something unique to those with visual impairments—a specialized care approach designed by industry experts to help them navigate their homes, complete everyday tasks and enjoy a higher quality of life throughout their golden years. All the while, you can have peace of mind knowing your loved one is in good hands.

What is Low Vision?

Low vision refers to vision loss that medical treatments or conventional eyeglasses cannot correct. It can be caused by eye diseases such as macular degeneration, cataracts or glaucoma. However, aging is the most significant contributing factor to low vision disorders, with approximately one in three individuals possessing some form of vision-reducing eye disease by age 65.

Signs of Low Vision

Vision disability is a gradual process; consequently, you may not be aware of how compromised your loved one’s vision has become. It may be a sign they have low vision if they have trouble performing the following:

  • Reading
  • Driving
  • Recognizing people’s faces
  • Telling colors apart
  • Viewing a television or computer screen clearly

What is Low Vision Support?

HomeWell provides a multipronged, holistic solution tailored to the individual needs of your loved one with low vision. Our expert care managers and handpicked caregivers receive specialized training from industry leaders to give them the support they need at home.

  • Safeguard their well-being: We take proactive measures to remove potential hazards to help them navigate their homes confidently and more efficiently through our home safety evaluation.
  • Equip the home: We mark trouble spots throughout the home, such as level changes, and offer visual recommendations to help them distinguish household and medicinal items.
  • Lend a helping hand: We help schedule vision care appointments and assist with everyday tasks, such as meal preparation, light housekeeping, grooming, dressing, shopping, hygiene and more. Our caregivers can also provide transportation services, including to and from their annual eye examinations and visits with their eye doctor.
  • Reassure, be present and provide companionship: We know that impaired vision takes a toll; our caregivers can bring emotional comfort to them as they adjust to their vision challenges and be a listening ear when they need it.

What Are the Health Risks of Low Vision?

If your loved one is experiencing low vision, they are at a greater risk of suffering falls, collisions and disorientation. Consequently, performing everyday tasks can prove challenging and even dangerous for them. Their vision loss can also affect their mental health; studies reveal that up to 50 percent of older adults with chronic eye disorders limit their activities because they fear falling. This places them at greater risk for social isolation, immobility, and disability.

Is Low Vision Support Right for My Loved One? 

While it’s natural to endure vision loss as we age, it’s unnatural to withdraw from activities and hobbies that bring us happiness. If your loved one is suffering from the repercussions of low vision, our expert care managers and compassionate caregivers are ready to strengthen their sense of security and independence and empower them to thrive at home once again.

To learn more, contact us for a free consultation with a care manager.